⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I loved the sessions... I learned such nuggets from each one. I want to rebuild my worm composter, try making a Johnson-Su bioreactor, bury bags of rooibos tea, and generally try remediating some of the soil here. I figured out a way to make small quantities of biochar ...I'm just excited about trying all kinds of things!"

Revive Your Soil

Grow More with Less




Soil health is the key to thriving plants, nutrient-rich food, and a resilient ecosystem.

Strategies to regenerate your soil—so you can grow more with less.

Come explore with 20 valuable sessions

Get it today! — Keep the sessions and watch anytime with the ALL-Access Pass. You'll not only get the video recordings, but also downloadable audio files, key takeaways, speaker handouts, and bonus sessions!

⭐️ KEEP the sessions and watch anytime→

Speaker highlights


Unlock the Secrets of Thriving Eco-systems with
The Soil Summit


Make the most of your fields

Grow more with less

 Farming requires grit, tenacity, passion, and grace

You're always learning how to be even more efficient, more effective, and get better results

Learn to mimic the power of nature and connect with others who are on a similar path


You might find yourself...

struggling to know what will work for you and your land

battling depleted soils and degradation

looking for ways to increase biodiversity and pollinators

It's time to uplevel your farm and work smarter, not harder.

The Soil Summit is here for you!

⭐️ CLICK HERE | OWN the sessions →

Topics to Support Your Growing

Day 1

Foundation of Healthy Soil

Understand the basics of soil health and its impact on crop success. Dig into the role of microbes, building soil organic matter, understanding testing.

Assess and improve your soil food web for nutrient cycling, pest resistance, and disease suppression.

Day 2

Unlock Nutrient Cycles

Manage nutrients for healthy, abundant crops. Understand how plants access nutrients and communicate with microbes. Learn to support a full soil food web for a balanced ecosystem.

Practical applications of compost teas and bio-fertilizers.

Day 3

Work with Nature for Pest & Disease Control

Leverage natural systems to grow resilient crops. Explore integrated pest management and how to encourage beneficial insects. Understand the science of companion planting. 

The role of biodiversity in protecting crops.

Day 4

Grow Smarter, Not Harder

Maximize your harvest with less effort. Focus on efficient and sustainable strategies for thriving farms and gardens. 

Drought-proofing, time-saving, innovative tools & technology. 

Practical tips for resilient farms.


20+ world-class farmers, researchers, and soil experts sharing proven, affordable, and organic strategies to regenerate your soil—so you can grow more with less

Trees for Soil Health and Resilience with Ben Raskin, Head of Horticulture and Agroforestry, Soil Association UK
New Discoveries in the Soil Food Web with Dr Elaine Ingham, World-Renowned Soil Biologist, Soil Food Web School
Nutrient-Cycling with Dr Elaine Ingham, World-Renowned Soil Biologist, Soil Food Web School & Dr Carla Portugal, Environmental Scientist, Researcher & Instructor, Soil Food Web School
The Living Soil Organism (biological, chemical, physical and cosmic) with Robby Gass, Organic & Biodynamic Soil Expert, ALBA Organics and Chris Boettcher, Organic Biodynamic Farmer, Grassroots Farm
Plant Immunity through Biodiversity and Fungi with Chris Trump, Korean Natural Farming, Biomei Solutions
Living Soil • What Decomposition Tells Us About Soil Health with Brooke Hayes, PhD Candidate, Soil Biology, EcoSoil Lab, University of Victoria
Pest & Disease Control with Microbiology with Lynn Fang,Ecological Landscape Designer, Soil Scientist, Community Composter
Regenerative Agriculture Solutions with John Kempf, Advancing Eco Agriculture
Cover Crop Options for Soil Health with Bob Garthson, Organic Farmer, Mentor, & Educator
Vermicomposting for Building Soil Organic Matter with Jesse Wiser, Hiwassee Products
Polyculture for Livestock and Holistic Land Management with Will Harris, White Oak Pastures
Increase the Speed of Soil Microbe Growth with BioChar with Laura Decker, Microbiometer and Laurie Mann, American BioChar
Striving for Rhythm and Reverence with a Planting Calendar with Allen Clements, Shepherd, Regenerative Agroforester, Prepmaker, and Beekeeper, Dark Hollow Biodynamic
Activating Soil Fertility for Growing Healthy Food with John Bradshaw, Biodynamic Farmer
The Science of Plant Life — Vrikshayerveda with Swami Valmiki
Permaculture for Restoration an Water Management on Your Farm with Mark Shepard, Restoration Agriculture Development
Health and Vitality in Regen Ag with Dr. Kevin Preston, Progressive Chinese Medicine
Case Study of
Revive Your Soil with Biodynamic Compost with Stewart Lundy, Biodynamic Farmer, Director of Operations, Josephine Porter Institute
Dr Elaine Ingham Autobiography announcement
Eurythmy with Ruth Tschannen
Dr Elaine Ingham Autobiography announcement
⭐️ CLICK HERE | ADD the sessions to your resource library →


Sessions are now available to own!

Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


Day 4


8am PST


🔗 Live • 30m

Ruth Tschannen

8am PST


🔗 Live • 30m

Ruth Tschannen

8am PST


🔗 Live • 30m

Ruth Tschannen

8am PST


🔗 Live • 30m

Ruth Tschannen

9am PST

Trees for Soil Health

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

Ben Raskin

9am PST

Regenerative Ag Solutions

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

John Kempf

9am PST

Holistic Land Management

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

Will Harris

9am PST

Striving for Rhythm

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

Allen Clements

11am PST

Cover Crop Options

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

Bob Garthson

11am PST


🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

Jesse Wiser

11am PST

Plant Immunity

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

Chris Trump

11am PST

Vitality in Regen Ag

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

Dr Kevin Preston

1pm PST

Decomposition,  Soil Health

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

Brooke Hayes

1pm PST

Soil Fertility, Biodynamics

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

John Bradshaw

1pm PST

Pest & Disease Control

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

Lynn Fang

1pm PST

Biodynamic Compost

🔗 Live with Q&A • 90m

Stewart Lundy

Living Soil Organism

Robby Gass

Chris Boettcher

New Discoveries in the Soil

Dr Elaine Ingham

Dr Carla Portugal

Intro to Vrikshayurveda

The Science of Plant Life 

Swami Valmiki

"Do Nothing" to Revive Soil

A Case Study 

Hans Forstbauer

BioChar for Microbial Growth

Laurie Mann

Laura Decker

Nutrient Cycling

Dr Elaine Ingham

Dr Carla Portugal

Permaculture for Your Farm

Real World Uses 

Mark Shepard

🔗 Now available to watch anytime, anywhere 

Thank you to our Key Sponsors 💚 

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Please support our sponsors who make this possible for you!

Meet Your Host

Natalie Forstbauer

Publisher, Heart & Soil Magazine • Farmer/Gardener • Author • Healer • TEDx Speaker 

Hi, I'm a curious soul who loves to learn and see others thrive while living in harmony with Mother Earth.

I’m passionate about discovering and sharing what makes a farm successful on all levels. It's not just about the food you grow. Success is connecting with your farm, the people you sell to, how you grow your business, how you take care of your soil, ecosystem, and yourself.

My professional roots are in Polarity Therapy and complementary medicine. I grew up on an organic and biodynamic farm, and now own and operate my own organic and biodynamic farm. As Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Heart & Soil Magazine, I now spend my time with my farm, in the thriving Heart & Soil Community, and with my teenage kids. I'm happy to bring you tools to bring your life to the next level. Join us for The Soil Summit, where we’ll learn how to collaborate and co-create as nature intended.

The Details...


🗓️ Live Sessions February 2025

⭐️ Live with Q&A sessions are now available to watch as replays with your all-access pass



Tune in at home, on the go, or in your fields!

Learn from anywhere with Internet access.

Get downloadable audio files for each session with your ALL-Access Pass.


Presentations are 30-60 minutes long

⭐️ Live with Q&A sessions are about 90 minutes

Each session will have a presentation by the speaker, interview by your host Natalie, and time for your Q&A


Join our private Facebook group where we’ll be connecting and working together to build revive your soil to grow more with less

Click here to Join

Is it really free?

Yes... through February 12! 

With the Free Access Pass, you have access to every session through February 12, 2025

Why is it free? 

We want no barriers for you, or anyone who wants to learn from the experience and journey of these rockstar speakers.

It's our mission to make regenerative farming, gardening, and living easy to learn and easy to implement for your health, for society, and for the planet.

What does the Soil Summit Free Pass include?

  • Be inspired and watch all 20 sessions from anywhere in the world
  • Watch the sessions for free all week starting February 3


The Soil Summit ALL-Access Pass

  • Keep access to ALL sessions
  • Key takeaways
  • Revive Your Soil Workbook
  • Action Journal
  • Challenges from the speakers 
  • Downloadable audio files of every presentation
  • 3 Bonus sessions with Dr James White, Johnson-Su, and Jodi Roebuck
⭐️ KEEP the sessions and watch anytime →

We are here to help you 


The Soil Summit is here to help you revive your soil with affordable, profitable, regenerative tips & strategies


20 world-renowned sessions

Pioneering farmers, groundbreaking researchers, and influential leaders share invaluable insights into regenerative, organic, and biodynamic farming so you can grow more with less

How great would it feel to look out at your fields...

and see a thriving ecosystem


Are you ready to transform your farm into a thriving example of regeneration?

Dive deep into the world of real regenerative agriculture with The Soil Summit, your comprehensive guide to nurturing the land and working with nature.

This isn't just another online conference – it's a pivotal moment for you to mindfully invest in yourself and your farm's future.

You're invited to join us!

Nurture and feel the life in the soil beneath your feet

Restore the earth with every seed you plant

Connect with a community of like-minded farmers

Explore innovative techniques that enrich your land

Ensure your farming practices contribute to a healthier planet

👨🏼‍🌾 CLICK HERE | Own The Soil Summit wisdom →

People loooove The Soil Summit, and we think you will too...


Rave Reviews from around the world about The Soil Summit...

Charlotte, Maryland USA

Amazing Summit Natalie and Leslie! What a wonderful gift to bring people who care together from all over the world!

Chris, New Mexico USA

So much good information! Thank you all for putting this together.

Soil Diversity with Chris Trump

Gustavo, Argentina

THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!! Ruth.. Beautiful sessions!

Eurythmy sessions

MK, India

Thank you for creating this learning, sharing space...

Such a centered person, thank you Sir!

Biodiversity with David Paterson

Sameer, Himalayas

Thank you for sanity and completeness in your worldview. and beautiful organism, your farm... Love from the Terai and terraces of Himalayas...

Soil Diversity with Chris Trump


Thank you David, so much for such great information about your operation and experience. We appreciate your time. Thank you, Natalie for such a great Summit! So grateful to be here!

Biodiversity with David Paterson

Freddie, Hawaii USA

Thank you so much! Natalie that interview with Steph Seneff was absolutely amazing


I feel the light and love. Thank you Ruth!

Eurythmy sessions

Jean, Canada

Much gratitude for all, sharing ideas and inspirations.  Thank you☺️

Soil Diversity with Chris Trump

Dwight, BC Canada

Thank you Natalie and Chris …. so much wisdom

Soil Diversity with Chris Trump

Austin, Texas USA

Thank yall for doing this addition to the soil summit, so good to center 🙂

Eurythmy sessions

Diana, Quebec Canada

 These are a very gracious and nourishing opening to each day's sessions.

Eurythmy sessions

Dwight, BC Canada

Thank you Natalie for bringing us all together.

Biodiversity with David Paterson


Thanks so much David and Natalie! This has been a great session.

Biodiversity with David Paterson


I like the idea of using cover crops as a pest diversion while simultaneously reducing weed pressure!

Biodiversity with David Paterson

Iris, Alberta, Canada

I am absolutely thrilled at reviewing all that’s offered in the Soil Summit 2024. It’s 12:30am & I’m excited for the morning starting meditation. I will pass this info on to others I know that will enjoy. Thank you! 

Iliya, New York USA

Thx! This summit is so amazing I'm glad I registered! 

Javier, Texas, USA

Thank you for putting together such a wonderful event. I can't imagine the work behind it to make it happen. We really appreciate it.

Diana, Quebec Canada

Brilliant exposé from a brilliant composter, and reassuring! Trust one's instincts, and learn from mistakes. Since understanding the microbiology in the soil, I've realized just how important feeding root systems is, and how BD preps work towards this. Many many thanks, Gaby and Nathalie❣️

Biodynamic Composting with Gaby Gonzalez

Bob, Ontario Canada

“There were many excellent webinars.

I have been to sessions with Elaine Ingram several times but her recorded interview was outstanding and learning about her research should be essential for everyone.

Vandana Shiva has been a mentor for me over many decades. Her interview was most inspiring. I have read many of her books and articles and I referenced her several times in my article on Agroecology in the 2021 summer edition of Ecological Farming in Ontario.

Dr. Stephanie Seraff provided very important information on the negative health impacts of glyphosate and its “toxic legacy” and why it is essential to educate all of us as to why glyphosate and other dangerous chemicals must be eliminated from food production, processing and distribution.

Chris Boettcher, Chris Trump, Anna Jones-Crabtree, Annamarie Klippenstein, and Nicolette Richer were very informative as well.”

It's Time to…


 Tune into the natural rhythms of Mother Earth

Integrate ancient practices into your farming journey

Build and nourish biodiversity into your soil with ease, grace and wonder

→ Connect with other farmers and gardeners who get you

 Discover ways to make your food taste even better and more nutritious


Join us for The Soil Summit today!

👨🏼‍🌾 CLICK HERE | Watch Any time, Any Season →

Thank you to our sponsors and collaborators 💚 

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The information in this summit is meant as an educational and informational resource and does not represent any agreement, guarantee, or promise by any party associated with the creation or editing of this content. The speakers and Heart & Soil Living Ltd are not responsible for any negative or unintended consequences from applying or misapplying any of the information in this course.